In my own words
The articles you see here may seem like a blog. That’s because before relaunching my website, I actually did have them under that title. But I’ve thought long and hard (okay, fine, it was a pretty easy decision), and I’ve come to the realization that I’m just not going to keep up with a blog the way I’d encourage my clients to nurture theirs. So I’ve combed through my posts and only published my favorites here for you to enjoy. I’ll still write new posts articles here from time to time, but without the added pressure of the blog banner. Thanks for reading my thoughts!
5 ways to let me down properly
While I like to think that I'm always the best [...]
Too much of a good thing
One day at the grocery store, I stumbled upon an [...]
How big should your logo be?
I wish this were a question that my clients would [...]
Call me so we can be email buddies
The other day I heard an ad on the radio. [...]
Which type of client are you?
I've had my share of clients to know that no [...]
3 reasons why managing a business is like raising a toddler
1. Michael Bolton said it best, but it bears repeating. [...]